Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns Dental crowns are a type of dental restoration that is placed over a tooth to restore its functionality and appearance. Crowns are typically used to restore teeth that have been damaged by decay, trauma, or cracks. It is a covering that protects damaged or decayed teeth. It can also be called a dental bridge and functions to cover discolored teeth entirely.

A crown completely covers the top portion of the tooth, protecting it from damage and preventing further decay. Crowns can also improve the appearance of your smile by making it more uniform and even. They can also be used to protect a weak tooth from breaking or falling out so that it can function normally again. They can even be used as a cosmetic enhancement to make the teeth appear straighter and whiter than they might without the crown. The process of getting a crown usually involves a temporary crown being placed while waiting for the permanent one to be made.

Dental crowns come in many materials, including gold alloys and porcelain (ceramic). Gold is desired for its durability and resistance to staining by food and drink. On the other hand, porcelain is more aesthetic because it can be colored or decorated with designs or artwork. They can even be designed to improve upon a tooth’s original appearance. We would be delighted to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these various choices with you.

Crowning or Capping a Tooth

Tooth crownsCrowns and caps are very similar in that they both cover the top of a tooth, but they can be used for different reasons. Crowns are used to restore a damaged tooth, whereas caps are used to protect a tooth from further damage.

Crowns are used to restore teeth that have had root canal therapy or those with broken or cracked surfaces that make them susceptible to decay. The procedure involves removing decay from the tooth and then building up the tooth with a material that will protect it from further damage. The crown is cemented onto the tooth and will last for many years if properly cared for.

A cap can also be used as an alternative to a crown, but it only covers part of an affected tooth’s surface instead of covering it completely. This type of restoration is more common than full-coverage crowns because they’re less expensive and easier to place on teeth than complete solutions like porcelain crowns.

Crowns or caps can be put on your teeth during two to three visits. You will first visit with us to prepare your tooth for its new crown. First, it’ll be folded to fit inside the cover. If your teeth have little-to-no remaining structural integrity, tooth replacement may be necessary to support the crown.

Get the strength of your teeth checked before a visit to the dentist. Digital impressions are required for certain procedures, or you may need to sculpt temporary ones out of putty-like materials. The impressions will be used to make accurate models of your teeth so that we can construct a tooth crown for you. The models will function like guides to ensure that your new crown is designed to work well with your bite.

Both types of restorations are considered permanent solutions, so you’ll only need one per tooth unless you experience another problem down the road (such as decay).

Need a crown or cap? Call Sun City Dental El Paso to make an appointment.